Orthodontics links

The following websites provide additional information.

  1. Suresmile websiteSuresmile technology brochure
  2. Suresmile scanning appointment brochure
  3. Orthodontics Australia website https://orthodonticsaustralia.org.au/
  4. Australian Society of Orthodontists.   www.aso.org.au
  5. American Association of Orthodontists.  www.aaortho.org
  6. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. Very highly regarded journal. Non-subscribers can view summaries online. www.journals.elsevierhealth.com/periodicals/ymod
  7. Angle Orthodontist.  A very highly regarded journal. Non-subscribers can view online.  www.angleorthodontist.org
  8. Cochrane Collaboration. The Cochrane Collaboration is an excellent guide to all areas of health, with conclusions drawn only from independent objective research.  www.cochrane.org
  9. European Journal of Orthodontics. Non-subscribers can view some material online. www.ejo.oxfordjournals.org
  10. University of Washington. www.dental.washington.edu/departments/ortho/index.php
  11. West Virginia University. www.hsc.wvu.edu/sod/departments/Orthodontics/index.html
  12. World Federation of Orthodontists. www.wfo.org
  13. World Journal of Orthodontics.   Non-subscribers can view summaries online. www.quintpub.com/journals/wjo/gp.php?journal_name=WJO&name_abbr=WJO 

Choose our specialist orthodontists to expertly care for your individual smile.

Dr Rob and Ros Mayne

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Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.00pm

128 Nixon St
Shepparton Vic 3630 AU

(03) 5831 1282


Goulburn Valley Orthodontics is located in Shepparton and specilises in orthodontic treatment for a beautiful smile - Family orientated

Goulburn Valley Orthodontics


Our Orthodontists +

Dr Rob Mayne
Dr Ros Mayne

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